Studio Session 1: with Mina Salama and Joao Simoe We started the session one hour late around 2.30 pm at The Creative Arts Development Space (CADS) in Sheffield on 9/01/10, Thursday. We can only actually, physically start the session around 4.30. It sounds easy to do, Mina is playing live music with his oud and ney flute, I will be dancing on the board and painting with my body movements, my feet are my brush. What we do is not the actualisation of structure, we have to feel and connect with each other and one hundred percent mindfully being together is what enables me to create the paintings and enables Mina to compose his music. There were long discussions on the story and journey and how to blend them together to make our individually personal stories visible to the audience. Different experiences in a structured but also free form style come together and become a separate personality in itself. It all resolved when I went for a half an hour walk as the director-curator
2 weeks ago on Saturday, I did long and deep stretch. I felt my body wanted to do so. It felt good for my lower back and my groin area first until I went out for a run at the Mill House Park. I literally could manage to do half an hour jog and my right hip was in agony. It was the weirdness sensation in my inner leg and outer hip join. From the inside of my foot to off the knee, slightly inside towards back of the knee, there was this pain as if my muscles are being torn apart with each step. I had to walk back home under the rain gave me an insight on how the muscles are connected from my lower back to my foot. The first attempt to do some moves was last Wednesday on 26th November at the Bank Street Arts gallery with Herve and his alto sax. Although the week before Herve's reiki session eased my pain, my movements were restricted I dance and paint with my bare feet with live improvised music as one of my ongoing projects. Knowing I have limitations draws me back in at the
T relex Amazon Residency Reflections, I could write two posts to describe the amazing space that Trelex Amazon and Rainforest Expeditions provided for us, one for Refugio and one for TRC (Tambopata Research Centre.) The lodges are incredible. Being in a jungle and far away from the world is an exhilarating experience. Having a whole month in the rainforest and in this environment allowed me to relax and absorb the space, the people, the jungle and myself. The art of exploration could not get any more comfortable and luxurious.Was I spoiled? Yes, very much so and I love the memory that stays with me. I developed 2 major bodies of work during my residency in the Amazon at the Rainforest Expedition Lodges. One of them is a photography series and the other one is experimental electronic soundscapes. Experimental Soundscapes: Ayse Balko, Amazon, Come To Tower With Me Listen on: Soundcloud Photography Gallery Spac